Thông tin khóa học
 4-12 days

 - Viet Nam
 - European
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INNOVATION PROGRAMS, organized by VNU Industry Collaboration Hub (VIC-VNU) in collaboration with Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global).The goal of innovation program design is to find answers to innovation strategy challenges by co-creating a structured innovation process tailored to your organization. To meet your strategic innovation objectives, we work together to create and implement innovative processes. To make your innovation process successful, we rely on real-world examples from our own experience as well as the lessons learned through process design.
4-12 days

- Viet Nam
- European

Topics that will be treated include:

1. Innovation Management
2. Evolution Trend in Convergent Era
3. Embracing the Future of Innovation
4. Building a Learning Organisation for Innovation and Sustainability
5. Technology Startups Support
6. Embracing the Future of Telecommunication Industry

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